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Caran D'Ache Neocolor II - Aquarelle

Caran d'Ache Neocolor II, water soluble wax pastels are a versatile and innovative art supply that are perfect for artists who want to experiment with different techniques and styles. These pastels are made from a blend of high-quality pigments, beeswax, and oil, which gives them a creamy texture and vibrant colour.

One of the most unique features of Caran d'Ache water-soluble wax pastels is their ability to be used in a wet or dry state. When used dry, they can be blended and layered like traditional pastels to create a wide range of tones and effects. When used wet, they can be thinned with water to create a watercolour-like effect, or used as a resist to create sharp, defined lines.

Another advantage of Caran d'Ache water-soluble wax pastels is their longevity. The wax binder in these pastels helps to preserve the vibrancy of the pigments over time, making them a great choice for artists who want to create long-lasting works of art.

One thing to keep in mind when using Caran d'Ache water-soluble wax pastels is that they are best suited for use on paper or cardboard surfaces. They may not adhere as well to other materials like canvas or wood, so it's important to choose the right surface for your project.

In addition to their versatility and longevity, Caran d'Ache water-soluble wax pastels are also known for their high-quality pigments. The colours in these pastels are rich and vibrant, and they are able to produce a wide range of tones and shades when blended together. This makes them a great choice for artists who want to create detailed, realistic artwork.

One of the most common techniques used with Caran d'Ache water-soluble wax pastels is called "scumbling." This involves using a dry pastel to create a thin, semi-transparent layer of colour on top of a darker base layer. This technique allows artists to create a sense of depth and texture in their artwork and can be used to great effect in landscapes, still lifes, and portraits.

Another technique that is possible with these pastels is called "glazing." This involves layering thin, transparent layers of colour on top of each other to create a luminous, glowing effect. This technique is often used to create the illusion of light and depth in a painting, and can be particularly effective when used in conjunction with scumbling.

One of the great things about Caran d'Ache water-soluble wax pastels is that they are very easy to use. Because they are water-soluble, they can be thinned with water to create a variety of effects, from bold, opaque strokes to delicate, transparent washes. This makes them a great choice for artists who are looking to explore a range of techniques and styles.

One way to use these pastels is to create a wash of colour by mixing them with water and painting them onto your surface. This can be a great way to add background colour to your artwork, or to create a base layer for other pastel techniques. You can also use water to blend the pastels together and create smooth, graduated transitions between colours.

Another way to use Caran d'Ache water-soluble wax pastels is to create a resist effect. To do this, you can draw a design or image onto your surface using the pastels, then brush water over the top. The water will dissolve the pastel in the areas where it is applied, creating a contrast between the wet and dry areas. This technique can be used to create a variety of effects, from sharp, defined lines to more subtle, gradient-like transitions.

Overall, Caran d'Ache water-soluble wax pastels are a very easy-to-use art supply that are perfect for artists of all levels. Whether you're just starting out with pastels or you're an experienced artist looking for a new medium to explore, these pastels are sure to provide endless creative possibilities. So, it is a great choice for the artists.



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